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Evan-Moor Daily Science, Grade 3
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Evan-Moor Daily Science Workbook features 150 engaging activities that assists students in building a genuine understanding of standards-based scientific concepts and vocabulary. Book designed for grade 3 provides a variety of rich resources along with vocabulary practice, hands-on science activities and comprehension tests in multiple choice format that helps students in learning about earth, life as well as physical science concepts.Features
- Common core top Pick for reading literature and Informational Text, key Ideas and Details, Integration of knowledge and Ideas, Range of reading and Level of Text Complexity
- Big idea 1: Living things have adaptations that help them survive in their environment
- Big idea 2: plants have many parts. each part does a special job
- Big idea 3: fossils tell us about the plants and animals that lived long ago
- Big idea 4: air is a gas that surrounds us, takes up space, and creates weather
- Big idea 5: light moves in a straight line until it hits an object. light can be absorbed, refracted, or reflected
- Big idea 6: electricity travels in currents. it can pull and push the things around it
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Maximum Age:
9 Years
Maximum Grade Level:
Grade 3