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Shop Crowd Control - Barriers

Effective crowd control and barriers promote building security and public safety while allowing people to move through your building smoothly. Stanchions to guide, barriers to advise, and dividers to provide spaces where there had been none before. To help promote wellness in any environment, we also offer glass barriers and work shields for the promotion of healthy staff, patrons, students, and beyond.


Crowd Control - Barriers


Smart Crowd Control for Schools and Beyond

Guide any sized crowd with well-planned crowd control made simple. We have what you need to make crowd control intuitive for both planned and unplanned events, no extra security staff necessary. Stanchions and barriers allow for a more seamless everyday crowd control in both indoor or outdoor events, and can be adjusted as the crowd shifts throughout the day or night. A well-placed divider can turn a gymnasium into a gallery, or create privacy in even the most open of spaces like recreational facilities or auditoriums. Separate a room, or guide through a room with dividers placed to provide more privacy and create a more intuitive crowd flow. Create more multipurpose spaces with easy-to-move, easy-to-store crowd management solutions. When it comes to crowd management, we have what you need to help you stay organized and keep calm from start to finish.