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Shop Puzzles

Early childhood puzzles that promote sequencing and fine motor skills while making learning fun!

Chunky Puzzles
Chunky Puzzles
Floor Puzzles
Floor Puzzles
Jigsaw Puzzles
Jigsaw Puzzles
Knob Puzzles
Knob Puzzles



Puzzles for Preschool

Puzzles are a versatile educational tool that will keep kids engaged while they develop problem solving skills, shape recognition, and patience. The joy that comes with the accomplishment of finishing a puzzle also helps boost self-esteem which can give kids the courage to tackle social situations, difficult homework problems, and everyday life.

School Specialty has an outstanding selection of wooden puzzles, knob puzzles, and ABC puzzles for your preschool or play area. We’ve got charming and fun Melissa & Doug puzzles, popular puzzle games from Pressman, sturdy puzzle racks from Childcraft, and the list goes on. If you’re looking for a way to educate your kids through play, check out our collection of floor puzzles.