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Shop Sand & Water Toys

Sand & water tools to ignite learning through sensory play.

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Sand & Water Tables for Kids

Add a dynamic element to your early learning environment with one of our engaging, educational, and endlessly entertaining sensory tables. Sand and water tables are a developmental homerun. While kids discover through play with sand toys and water toys, they’ll be inadvertently developing science, math, social, and creative skills. Kids will love discovering the scientific properties of water toys that float or sink and experimenting with how changes of state (dry to wet) can help them create simple sand structures. A toddler or preschool water table can also serve as introduction to the concepts of motion and flowing water. From counting to measuring to working with shapes, water and sand tables are an excellent way to help kids expand their math skills. Plastic shells, fish, and other water toys can be used for counting games while sand and water buckets can help children understand the concept of volume. A preschool sand and water table can be an excellent outdoor learning tool to help children understand that sharing really is caring.