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Saddleback Educational Publishing American History Graphic Novels, Set of 12
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56-page low-level U.S. history titles in a full-color graphic novel format. Key historical events are covered in American history from 1500 to the present. Illustrated text teaches inference skills, dialogue, transitions, and drawing conclusions. Midwest Book Review-Graphic U.S. History is "simply outstanding in format and content" and "ideal for use with reading impaired or reading phobic junior and senior high students." Set includes: 12 Books (1 each of 12 titles). Titles included are: The New World, The Fight for Freedom, The U.S. Emerges, Problems of a New Nation, Americans Move Westward, Before the Civil War, The Civil War, The Industrial Era, America Becomes a World Power, The Roaring Twenties & The Great Depression, World War II & the Cold War, The Civil Rights Movement & Vietnam, and Globalization. Grades 9-12.
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Maximum Age:
18 Years
Maximum Grade Level:
Grade 12