Spectra® Art Tissue Fall Leaves

Learn about the different deciduous trees that grow in the United States. Like the White Oak and Maple trees that this art project is based on, leaves from deciduous trees change colors and fall off in the Fall at the end of their growing season.
Supplies Needed
Spectra® Deluxe Bleeding Art Tissue
Scarlet 436916
Seal Brown 391958
Canary 102207
Orange 391955
Emerald Green 102192
School Smart® Watercolor Paper 087813
Printer - To print out pattern.
School Smart® Scissors 085007
School Smart® Small Container 085876
1/2 Cup of Water
School Smart® White School Glue 1353893
School Smart® Brush 085682
*Special Note: For easier clean-up make sure working surfaces are protected. Tissue dyes are safe and non-toxic and can be removed from any surface with common household cleaners. Wash hands with warm soapy water.
Print either leaf from the link below on Watercolor Paper.
Create glue mixture: In a small container mix 1/2 cup of water and white school glue. This glue mixture will not only allow the beautiful tissue colors to blend but will also help hold the tissue pieces in place.
Tear Spectra® Deluxe Bleeding Art Tissue into small manageable pieces. Using any combination of tissue colors, lay tissue on top of leaf shape, brush on glue mixture and watch the colors blend. You can leave the tissue on your leaf or remove it and throw it away leaving the beautiful translucent color behind. Let dry.
After your leaf is dry cut around the outline of the leaf.