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PCI Educational Publishing Pro-Ed Cooking to Learn 3: Reading & Writing Activities Softcover Binder, 300 Pages
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PCI Educational Publishing Pro-Ed Cooking to Learn 3 Reading & Writing Activities Book provides 25 multicultural recipes representing various countries and regions worldwide, an index of skills, assessments and an assessment checklist, a list of safety rules and activity sheets. Softcover book measuring 8-1/2 in x 11 in contains 300 pages and features recipes that include a selection of breakfast, lunch or dinner, snack/dessert and variety of drink choices. It features easy-to-follow recipes that provide life-skills and teach students how to prepare food themselves with common ingredients. Book combines reading and writing activities that encourage students to learn basic reading as well as writing skills using the fun step-by-step cooking activities and corresponding worksheets.
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Contains No Allergens
Maximum Age:
12 Years
Maximum Grade Level:
Grade 6