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Shell Education Hands-On History: Ancient Civilizations Activities, Grades 3 to 8
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Making learning fun and interactive is a surefire way to excite your social studies students with Hands-on History: Ancient Civilizations Activities.
About This Item
This Hands-on History book includes game-formatted activities for major historical topics. While the goal of these activities is to create excitement and to spark interest in further study, they are also standards based and include grading rubrics and ideas for assessment. Encouraging teamwork, creativity, intelligent reflection, and decision making, the games in Hands-on History Activities will help you take an active approach to teaching while inspiring your students to make their own explorations of history. Grades 3 to 8.Features
- Promote an active learning environment
- Provide hands-on games that encourage student participation
- Combine exciting student-friendly activities with standards-based lessons
- Integrate ideas for class discussion that follow the National Council for History Education guidelines
- Incorporate assessment ideas and suggested rubrics to assess student progress
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Maximum Age:
14 Years
Maximum Grade Level:
Grade 8