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Teacher Created Materials Essential Classroom Bin for SEL, 31-Book Set with Professional Book, Grades K to 1
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Engage kindergarten and first grade students with social emotional learning (SEL) topics highlighted in this 31-book set.
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These leveled books have been hand-selected to introduce the five key components of SEL as identified by CASEL: self-awareness, self-management, social awareness, relationship skills, and responsible decision-making. An essential teacher resource, Creating Social and Emotional Learning Environments is also included with this set. This resource is designed to help educators grasp what SEL is, why it’s important, and how to begin the implementation process in their educational environment.Features
- Handy book Bin
- 31 Engaging leveled books covering the CASEL 5-core competencies
- Focus on self-awareness, self-regulation/self-management, social awareness, relationship skills, and responsible decision making
- Essential teacher resource, Creating Social and Emotional Learning Environments
Titles include:
- Be Kind
- Puzzled
- I Am a Good Friend
- A Gift for You
- Communicate! How You Say It
- Rules at Home
- Rules at School
- Good Work: Our Earth
- We Recycle; Be Happy
- Feelings
- This Is Me
- My Big Family
- I Can
- Outside the Box: Like a Family
- Good for Me: Love
- The Best You: Win or Lose
- Miss Molly’s Dolly
- Using Good Manners
- Take Care of You
- Use Your Brain
- Safari Camp
- Boris Keeps Fit
- It’s Good Enough to Eat!
- The Best You: Calm Down
- Fantastic Kids: Care for Animals
- Outside the Box: Teams
- Part of the World
- Life at the Top
- Homes Around the World
- Max
- Creating Social and Emotional Learning Environments
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