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Innovating Science Investigation Kit-Crime Scene Investigation Kit
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About This Item
Innovating Science Crime Scene Investigation Kit uses forensic techniques such as fingerprints, hair examination and chemical analysis of ink by Thin-Layer Chromatography to solve the crime. The activity includes a teachers manual and student guide as well as analysis copy-masters. Kit set includes 1 bottle fingerprinting powder UN1361, 6 fingerprinting brushes, acetate sheets, 1 ink pad, 6 hand magnifiers, 6 forceps, 4 felt tip markers, 1 bottle chromatography solvent UN1170, 6 silica gel chromatography sheets, 1 package capillary tubes, 5 evidence envelopes, 1 box microscope slides and 1 box cover slips.Features
DOT Info:- Small quantity exemption 173.4
- THIS PACKAGE CONFORMS TO 49 CFR 173.4 for domestic highway or rail transport only
Kit Includes:
- 1 X 15g Fingerprinting Powder
- 6 X 30mL Chromatography Solvent
- 6 Fingerprinting Brushes
- 6 Acetate Sheets
- 1 Ink Pad
- 6 Hand Magnifiers
- 6 Forceps
- 4 Felt Tip Markers
- 6 Silica Gel Chromatography Sheets
- 5 Evidence Envelops
- 1 pkg Capillary Tubes
- 1 box Microscope Slides
- 1 box Coverslips
Shipping Type:
Free Shipping:
Contains No Allergens
Maximum Age:
12 years
Maximum Grade Level:
Grade 12