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Shell Education Comprehension and Critical Thinking, Grade 4
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Use Comprehension and Critical Thinking to build Grade 4 students' comprehension and critical thinking skills and prepare them for standardized tests with high-interest nonfiction articles from TIME For Kids.
About This Item
This handy and easy-to-implement resource includes accompanying document-based questions that focus on key strategies for breaking down the passages to help students build cross-curricular reading skills. A document-based assessment sheet is also provided for each passage so students can investigate a topic in even deeper and more meaningful ways. This resource is aligned to the interdisciplinary themes from the Partnership for 21st Century Skills.Features
- Motivate students with high-interest non-fiction articles from TIME For Kids
- Articles, primary source documents, and questions are included as reproducible pages on the Teacher Resource CD
- Step-by-step guides include document-based questions for maps, census reports, population reports, charts, and graphs related to the article
- Strengthen students' comprehension skills and prepare them for standardized tests
- 112 Page Book
- Teacher's Resource CD with Reproducible Pages, Articles, Activities and Questions
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Maximum Age:
10 Years
Maximum Grade Level:
Grade 5