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Crazy Circuits Classroom Set , Programming 101, 10 Pack
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This kit contains everything you need to teach about programming!
About This Item
Teaching programming to new learners can be a difficult task. The Circuits 101 Classroom line was designed as a complete classroom solution for teaching electronics. We give teachers a robust set of materials to use and provide lesson plans, projects, activities, diagrams, and videos to reinforce the lessons being presented.Features
- Free curriculum and resources to quickly and easily run lessons
- Curriculum is always being updated and improved upon
- Classroom set requires no soldering
- The only additional tools you'll need are scissors and a computer to manipulate code
- 1 Teacher Box with Additional Supplies
- Free Teacher-approved Curriculum, Lesson Plans, Videos, and Diagrams
- 1 Maker Tape Brand Conductive Tape
- Squishy Circuits Dough
- Free software
- 43+ Parts
- Distance Sensors, Light Sensors, Humidity Sensors, and Temperature Sensors
- Classroom-ready Packaging in Heavy-duty Plastic Containers
- Informational Cards with Part Explanations and Example Circuits
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Free Shipping:
Grade Level:
Grades 5-12
Contains No Allergens
Not Applicable