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Daedalon Photoelectric Effect Apparatus with Amplifier
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Daedalon Photoelectric Effect Apparatus with Amplifier lets students to demonstrate that the energy of a photoelectron depends on the wavelength of the incoming radiation and not on its intensity. Phototube is enclosed for safety and stray light protection while the 3 color filters are provided to separate spectral regions. Amplifier with a minimum detectable current of 5 x 108 A features an ordinary fluorescent tube or a small incandescent lamp that can be used. Best results are obtained with a monochromatic light source. Front panel contains zeroing feature. Unit incorporates a panel meter which displays phototube output and a self-contained DC amplifier. It is complete with voltage monitor jacks and 117 VAC three wire cord and plug.
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Maximum Age:
12 years
Contains No Allergens