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United Scientific Heat Transfer Kit
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The Heat Transfer Kit allows students to investigate the transfer of heat by conduction between two heat reservoirs at different temperatures and to calculate the quantities of heat involved in the process.
About This Item
The kit includes two plastic foam calorimeters with lids, a U-shaped aluminum bar which acts as a “heat bridge”, two digital thermometers for tracking the temperature changes in the masses of water held inside the calorimeters, and an activity guide. The calorimeters hold up to 200 ml of liquid and the digital thermometers measure temperatures between 50°C and 150°C with a precision of 0.1°C. The aluminum bridge has a cross sectional area of 122 mm² and is about 200 mm long between the liquid reservoirs (the exact length can vary, depending on the volumes of water used.)Features
- 2 Foam Calorimeters with Lids
- 1 Aluminum Bar;
- 2 Digital Thermometers
- 1 Activity Guide
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Contains No Allergens
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Maximum Grade Level:
Grade 12