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Innovating Science Forensic Drug and Poison Analysis Refill Kit
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Refill kits are perfect for extending the use of your existing Innovative Science labs and activities.
About This Item
The refill kit is a perfect way to replenish the chemicals and supplies for your Forensic Drug and Poison Analysis Kit.Refill Kit Includes
- Ten Grams Aspirin
- Ten Grams Acetaminophen
- Ten Grams Sodium Bicarbonate Antacid
- Ten Grams Effervescent Antacid
- Ten Grams Unknown Number 1
- Ten Grams Unknown Number 2
- One 30ml Universal Indicator Solution
- One 30ml 0.5M Hydrochloric Acid
- One 30ml Ferric Nitrate
- One Gram Simulated Marijuana
- Ten Grams Simulated LSD
- Ten Grams Simulated Cocaine
- One 30ml Simulated Cocaine Detection Reagent
- One 30ml Simulated LSD Detection Reagent
- One 30ml Simulated Lead Solution
- One 30ml Simulated Mercury Solution
- One 30ml Unknown Poison
- One 30ml Simulated Potassium Chromate
- One 30ml Simulated Urine Sample
- One 30ml Alanine Control
- One 30ml Glycine Control Spray Bottle with 0.5g Ninhydrin Powder
- Four 25ml 95% Ethanol
- Fifteen 25ml Chromatography Solvents
- Fifteen Universal Indicator Color Charts
- Six Capillary Tubes
- Fifteen Chromatography Sheets
Shipping Type:
Free Shipping:
Contains No Allergens
Maximum Age:
12 years
Maximum Grade Level:
Grade 12