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PCS Edventures BrickLAB STEAMventures 10-Student Flight Collection Bundle, Grades K to 1
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Get young minds geared up for science, technology, engineering, arts, and math (and major fun) with this activity-packed STEAM kit.
About This Item
Learn about the parts and pieces powering our favorite flying machines and the exciting lives of the people who pilot them. As a student-driven kit containing manipulatives, grade-appropriate curriculum and optional extensions, this program hinges around student engagement and a STEAM-themed activity books brimming with multi-subject integration. Whether it be at home, in the classroom, after school or through a hybrid setting, this brand-new program is innovating education and helping to strengthen the partnership between educators and parents. BrickLAB STEAMventures is individually kitted to keep students safe, provide flexibility to educators and works with or without technology. With hands-on builds, problem-solving challenges, critical and creative thinking activities, arts connections and so much more, BrickLAB STEAMventures is your surefire way to give your youngest students a positive STEAM experience.Features
- Project-based kit for Grade K to 1 learners comes with magazines that teach how to build a hot air baloon, helicopter, airplane, and rocket and pairs with BrickLAB bricks (which are also LEGO-compatible) for educational and engaging STEM and STEAM learning
- Magazine booklets each provide over 16 hours of hands-on activities that reinforce creative and logical thinking and STEAM skills
- Each kit includes key terms, step-by-step brick build, science and social studies content, math and literacy activities, art integration, and a brick engineering challenge
- Educator Guide contains additional resources, plus unplugged and digital Choiceboards that support family engagement
- STEAM kit is excellent for summer camps, after-school programs, classrooms, at-home learning, labs, outdoor learning, or any flexible curriculum and learning environment
STEAM Flight Building Kit Includes
- 10 Sets of Printed Student Materials
- Set of 40 BUILD Activity Books, 4 for Student with One of Each Title:
- Hot Air Balloons
- Airplanes
- Helicopters
- Rockets
- 1 Spiralbound Instructor Guide
- 10 Individual Brick Kits
- Over 1200 BrickLAB Bricks (300+ Per Kit)
- 4 Brick Separators (One for Each Kit)
- 4 Mesh Bags for Cleaning Bricks (One for Each Kit)
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Maximum Grade Level:
Grade 1
Contains No Allergens