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NewPath Learning NewPath Learning Adaptation & Natural Selection NGSS 2D Model Building Kit

Image for NewPath Learning NewPath Learning Adaptation & Natural Selection NGSS 2D Model Building Kit from School Specialty
Item #: 2026463
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About This Item


Provide students with the conceptual framework to comprehend key NGSS topics and achieve Performance Expectations! Using two-dimensional modeling activities, students learn to explain, rather than memorize, key concepts and use their simplified two-dimensional model representations to make predictions. Looks at how Characteristics between Individuals of the Same Species Provide Advantages in Surviving, Finding Mates and Reproducing to answer: How do different traits improve the survival and reproduction of different animals and plants?; Can you choose one type of environment and list animals and plants that thrive there?; and Can you name a population of animals or plants that was greatly affected by habitat change?


  • Hands-On Activities
  • Engaging Graphics
  • Understanding of Key NGSS Disciplinary Core Ideas
  • Encourages explanation over memorization
  • Includes:
    • 24 Model Building Sheets
    • 24 Model Building Cutout Sheets
    • 1 Laminated, "Write-On/Wipe-Off" Bulletin Board Chart
    • Teacher's Guide
    • Zippered, Polyester Storage Pouch
    Shipping Details
    Shipping Type: parcel
    Free Shipping: true
    Maximum Age: 12 Years
    Maximum Grade Level: Grade 6
    Allergens: Contains No Allergens
    Certifications: Not Applicable
    Grade Level: Grades 3-6
    Safety: Caution Icon. No Choking Hazard
    SUOM Description: Each
    Brand Name: NewPath Learning
    Description: Adaptation/Natural Selection
    Material: Laminated Paper
    NewPath Learning NewPath Learning Adaptation & Natural Selection NGSS 2D Model Building Kit