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Innovating Science Plant Tissue Macronutrient Kit
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Teach students about soil management for optimum growing results with this Plant Tissue Macronutrient Kit that includes enough material to conduct 50 tests.
About This Item
These simplified field tests for green plant tissue indicate whether growing plants are receiving adequate amounts of available nutrients from the soil. All tests give qualitative results for the specific nutrients.Features
- Simplified field tests for green plant tissue indicate whether growing plants are receiving adequate amounts of available nutrients from the soil
- Tests give qualitative results for the specific nutrients
- Pinpoint deficiencies or excessive nutrient conditions
- Qualitative results given as abundant, adequate, deficient only
- Reagents for 50 tests per factor
1 X 500mL Nutrient Extractor Solution
1 X 30mL Nitrogen Reagent #1
1 X 30g Nitrate Reagent #2
1 X 30g Phosphorus Reagent #1
1 X 30mL Phosphorus Reagent #2
1 X 30g Potassium Reagent #1
1 X 120mL Potassium Reagent #2
Pk/100 Filter Paper
4 Collection Bottles
1 Spot Plate
2 Reagent Scoops
1 Stir Stick
5 Pipettes
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Contains No Allergens
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