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United Scientific Basic Simple Cells Kit
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About This Item
This kit allows students to explore the electrical properties of different combinations of electrode materials using safe, everyday chemicals such as cola, vinegar, and fruit juice as electrolytes. The set contains everything needed for the experiments except the electrolytes. Includes a simple cell with electrode holders, electrodes of copper, aluminum, iron, and zinc, a mounted resistor for use as a current load, a multi-meter, a comprehensive teacher manual and CD. Dimensions 11 x 9 x 5 inches- a Simple Cell with Electrode Holders
- Electrodes of Copper
- Aluminum
- Iron
- and Zinc
- a Mounted Resistor for Use As a Current Load
- a Multi Meter
- a Comprehensive Teacher Manual and CD
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Free Shipping:
Contains No Allergens
Maximum Age:
12 years
Maximum Grade Level:
Grade 12