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Innovating Science Enzymes and the Process of Digestion, Small Group Learning
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A hands-on small group activity is a perfect addition to your science program.
About This Item
With this activity, students will be able to expose three nutrients (carbohydrates, proteins, and lipids) to different digestive enzymes. These samples will be compared to nutrients to which no enzymes are added and chemical tests will be used to determine if the enzymes were effective in digesting the compounds. Upon completion, students will not only understand the importance of the digestive system but also the vital role enzymes play in releasing nutrients from food and converting them to a form usable by the body. This kit has all of the materials needed for 5 groups, including a teacher's manual and student study guide copy masters.Aligned to the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS):
- Disciplinary Core Ideas: LS1.A
- Performance Expectations: MS-LS1-3
- Cross Cutting Concepts: Systems and system models
Kit Includes:
- 1.75g Pancreatin/Bile Salt
- 1g Albumin
- 1g Starch
- 350mg Pepsin
- 100mg Amylase
- 10mL 0.1M Sodium Hydroxide
- 10mL 0.1M Hydrochloric Acid
- 10mL Biuret Reagent
- 10mL Phenolphthalein 1% IPA
- 10mL IKI Dilute Lugols Solution
- 10mL Olive Oil
- 4 Plastic Graduated Pipettes
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Free Shipping:
Not Applicable
Maximum Age:
12 years
Contains No Allergens