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Innovating Science Forensic Drug Testing, A Simulated Immunoassay Kit
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Teach forensic science with this hands-on kit.
About This Item
In this activity, students will perform a simulated immunoassay test on several urine samples for the detection of the cocaine metabolite benzoylecgonine. All urine samples and testing reagents are simulated to avoid the potential hazards of actual biological specimens while still providing realistic results. This kit has all of the materials needed for 15 groups, including a teacher's manual and student study guide copy masters.Aligned to the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS):
- Disciplinary Core Ideas: LS1.A; PS1.A; PS1.B
- Performance Expectations: MS-LS1-3; MS-PS1-3
- Cross Cutting Concepts: Systems and system models; structure and function
- Engineering Practices: Obtaining, evaluating and communicating information
DOT Info:- Non-Regulated
Kit Includes:
- 5mL Positive Control
- 5mL Negative Control
- 5mL Specimen 1
- 5mL Specimen 2
- 5mL Specimen 3
- 5mL Specimen 4
- 5mL Specimen 5
- 5mL Specimen 6
- 30mL Antibody Solution
- 30mL Labeled Metabolite
- 15 Spot Plates
Shipping Type:
Free Shipping:
Not Applicable
Maximum Age:
12 years
Contains No Allergens