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Innovation Science Glow It Up Acs Kit
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This lesson explores chemical reactions that release energy in the form of light, know as chemiluminescence.
About This Item
This lesson begins with a teacher demonstration that uses a luminol mixture and oxidizer to start a chemical reaction that glows. Students will then conduct an experiment to see how the amount of oxidizer affects the brightness and duration of the light. Students will also add a fluorescent highlighter dye to the reaction to see how this affects the brightness and duration of the glow. Additionally, they will learn about the invention of the glow stick and relate their experience to how a glow stick works.Features
- 9 Containers of 5 Grams Luminol Copper Blend
- 9 Containers of 5 Grams Sodium Percarbonate
- 8 Polypropylene Beakers
- 18 Small Plastic Scoops
- 1 Clear 10 Ounce Plastic Cup
- 25 Clear 3 Ounce Plastic Cups
- 17 Pipettes
- 2 Yellow Highlighters
- 8 Sheets of Construction Paper
- 40 Sheets of White Paper, 1x1 Inches
- 5 Small Glow Sticks
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Contains No Allergens
Maximum Age:
Maximum Grade Level:
HS +