Innovating Science Introduction To Streak Isolation And Aseptic Technique

Innovating Science Introduction To Streak Isolation And Aseptic Technique, Item Number 2103870
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Students learn best when they experience science first hand. Allow students to experience microbiology techniques with this comprehensive kit.

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About This Item


Students will be introduced to the skills and techniques that microbiologists use on a daily basis. Students will practice these techniques by performing a streak isolation with the provided bacterial cultures, as well as samples they collect from their classroom, to learn about different types of media and how bacterium reproduce.


  • Allows students to perform a streak isolation with the provided bacterial cultures
  • Students can collect samples from their classroom
  • Provides learning about different types of media and how bacterium reproduce
  • 2 Packages of 200 Milliliter Prepared Tryptic Soy Agar
  • 10 Lyophilized Cultures of Serratia Marcescens
  • 20 Sterile Petri Dishes
  • 10 Tryptic Soy Broth Tubes
  • 10 Inoculation Loops
  • 10 Sterile Pipettors
  • 2 Packages of 10 Sterile Cotton Swabs
Shipping Details
Shipping Type: parcel
Free Shipping: true
Maximum Age: 24
Maximum Grade Level: 16
Allergens: Contains No Allergens
Certifications: OSHA Compliant
Grade Level: High School-College
Safety: Caution Icon. No Choking Hazard
Brand Name: Innovating Science
Description: Intro Streak Iso-Aseptic Tech
Material: Chemical
Innovating Science Introduction To Streak Isolation And Aseptic Technique