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Edvotek Identification of Genetically Modified Food PCR Kit
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Edvotek Identification of Genetically Modified Food PCR Kit contains instructions, DNA extraction reagents, PCR EdvoBeads, microtubes, primers, DNA ladder, ultrapure water, wax beads, gel loading dye, agarose, electrophoresis buffer, InstaStain ethidium bromide and flashblue stain. It includes sufficient materials for 10 lab groups. Some foods have raw materials from genetically modified organisms. Kit helps students to extract DNA from food or plant material and perform PCR to find the presence of any GM indicator genes. Agarose gel electrophoresis is used to separate and size amplified DNA. Students require micropipets to measure between 5 - 50 microliter, tips, waterbath, microcentrifuge, thermal cycler, electrophoresis apparatus, power supply, microwave or hot plate, UV transilluminator to conduct the experiment. Kit features some components that require freezer storage.- Instructions, DNA extraction reagents, PCR EdvoBeads, microtubes, primers, DNA ladder, ultrapure water, wax beads, gel loading dye, agarose, electrophoresis buffer, InstaStain Ethidium Bromide and FlashBlue stain
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Maximum Age:
12 years
Contains No Allergens