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NewPath Learning Earth's Surface and Natural Hazards Skill Builder Kit
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About This Item
Each NewPath Science Skill Builder Kit provides a complete set of resources designed to support teacher instruction and student mastery of a key, standards-based Science topic. The Sound & Light Skill Builder Kit provides comprehensive coverage of four topics: Minerals, Rocks, Volcanoes, and Earth’s Surface.For each of the four topics covered, this kit includes one each of the following:
- Student Learning Guide featuring self-directed readings, illustrated explanations, assessment questions and a lab investigation
- Flip Chart Set with 10 double-side, laminated charts including a graphic overview and “write-on/wipe-off” activities
- Curriculum Mastery Game featuring one double-sided game board and 30 illustrated, self-correcting questions
- Vocabulary Activity Set including 20+ illustrated, double-side flash cards
- Online Learning Program subscription to access science games, interactive activities, quizzes and more
- Teacher Resource Guide with detailed overview on integration within the classroom
- Title: Earth's Surface and Natural Hazards
- A Student Learning Guide, Flip Chart Set - 10 Double Sided, Laminated Charts, Mounted on an Easel, Curriculum Mastery Game - 30 Standards-based Review Questions, A Double Sided Game Board And Materials For Up To Four Students, Vocabulary Activity Set - 20 Plus Illustrated, Double-sided Vocabulary Flash Cards, Online Learning Program - Free 1 Year Online Subscription to Access "click And Play" Resources, Tools/Templates to Create Custom Lessons, Learning Management System and Cloud-based Storage, and A Teacher Resource Guide
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Maximum Age:
12 years
Contains No Allergens