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Didax Algebra Resource Kit, Grades 5 to 8
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This algebra resource kit includes a variety of hands-on manipulatives, games, and resource books.
About This Item
This Algebra Resource Kit is a complete resource for helping students to visualize the algebraic process. Students model math problems with algebra tiles to build and solve equations while gaining comfort and skill with algebraic expressions. Teacher's notes and reproducible activities cover integer operations, linear and quadratic expressions, perimeter, arrays, binomials and more. Each topic progresses through: objective, prerequisites, getting started and closing the activity. Great for Grades 5-8Features
- Stimulates the brain, helping students learn how to think in new ways
- Helps students organize their thinking, making it easier for them to craft reasonable responses when confronted with complicated or dynamic situations
- Ability to grasp complex, changing, and abstract concepts
Kit includes
- Algebra Lab Gear student set (2 sets of 2)
- Algebra Lab Gear Resource Book: Basic Algebra
- Foam Algebra Tiles, 12 sets
- Working with Algebra Tiles, 2nd edition
- Magnetic Algebra Tiles
- Algebraic Expressions & Equations Dominoes
- Linear Graphs Algebra Card Game
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Contains No Allergens
Maximum Age:
99 Years
Maximum Grade Level: