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Shell Education Getting to the Roots of Mathematics Vocabulary Levels 6 to 8
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Shell Education Getting to the Roots of Mathematics Vocabulary Book for grades 6 - 8 is written by Timothy Rasinski, Nancy Padak, Rick Newton and Evangeline Newton. It helps students to enhance their vocabularies by learning how words are built from the roots up. Book focuses on root words for specific content areas like mathematics. It provides a fun learning and includes teaching tips, strategies, standards-based lessons, student activity pages.Features
- Authored by Timothy Rasinski, Nancy Padak, Rick Newton, and Evangeline Newton
- Based on current research and correlated to the Common Core and other state standards
- Benefit from an introduction to root-based instruction and teaching tips on how to begin teaching with roots
- Reinforce student practice in word roots with engaging activity sheets and informational text
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Maximum Age:
14 Years
Maximum Grade Level:
Grade 8