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Achieve It! SEL Friendship Empathy & Kindness, Grades 4 to 5, Set of 35
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Engaging set of Read-Aloud, Independent Reading and Buddy Books that help teach friendship, kindness and empathy to students. Book set is developmentally appropriate for students in Grades 4 to 5.
About This Item
Help children learn important friendship, kindness and empathy skills with these fun-to-read titles. With these collections, teachers are able introduce a theme within their lessons and know with confidence that their students are continuing to activate, connect, and build on that theme during their independent and buddy reading experiences. Each collection includes: 5 Read-Alouds for Lesson Instruction, 20 Independent Reading Titles, and 5 Buddy Book Titles (sets of 2) for Peer Reading.Features
- Grades 4-5, ISBN: 9781642407358
- 5 Read-Alouds for Lesson Instruction
- 20 Independent Reading Titles
- Friendship, Empathy and Kindness - Grades 4-5: Buddy Books
- Friendship, Empathy and Kindness - Grades 4-5: Independent Reading
- Friendship, Empathy and Kindness - Grades 4-5: Read Alouds
extended shipping 4-8 weeks
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Maximum Age:
11 Years
Maximum Grade Level:
Grade 5