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Achieve It! Academy of Dance: Variety Book Pack, Grades 3 to 5, Set of 4
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Elementary grade readers will love the twists and turns (and twirls) of these captivating fiction books about dance.
About This Item
Mrs. Marianne's Academy of Dance is the home of this wonderful series about growing up and achieving your dreams. Stories revolve around budding young dancers with personal and professional struggles and triumphs, with insight into various dance styles ranging from jazz to hip-hop, tap dance, and beyond.Features
- Reading level and topics are ideal for Grades 3 to 5
- ISBN: 9781642405651
- Guided Reading Level (GRL) Q
Reader Titles Include:
- Ballet Breakdown
- BFF Breakup
- Dance Team Bully
- Hip-Hop Road Trip
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Maximum Age:
11 Years
Maximum Grade Level:
Grade 5