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Kemtec Accerated Motion Kit
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About This Item
Kemtec Accerated Motion Kit allows students to use timed trials to measure gravitational acceleration and the car's/ball's coefficient of friction. Kit includes instructor's manual, reproducible stepwise student instructions and guided calculations including graphing of data and calculation of error, assessment questions, sample data and complete answer keys. It helps students to investigate accelerated motion using a totally reusable system with six foot tubular ramps, model cars, bearings and other required materials. It is designed for working in groups of four to six, with materials included sufficient for up to 36 students. It is appropriate for any level physics course as well as general science courses and includes separate problem sets for general science and higher level Physics courses. High school curriculum includes kinetic and static coefficients of friction as well as bodies on inclined planes and meets national standards for grades 9-12.
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Grade Level:
High School-College
Contains No Allergens
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