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Innovating Science Green Fuel Cell, Energy from Yeast Kit
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A hands-on, classroom activity is a perfect addition to your science program.
About This Item
Could living organisms generate an electrical current? With this kit, students will set up a simple cell. Using the simple-to-grow and environmentally tolerant organism yeast, as well as a special dye capable of entering yeast cells and collecting electrons, students will determine if the harvested electrons are capable of producing current in the cell and if so, how much current. This fun activity also serves as a great tool to stimulate discussion with regard to alternate energy sources. This kit has all of the materials needed for 15 groups, including a teacher's manual and student study guide copy masters.Aligned to the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS):
- Disciplinary Core Ideas: PS1.A; PS1.B
- Performance Expectations: MS-PS1-3
- Cross Cutting Concepts: Structure and function
- Engineering Practices: Obtaining, evaluating and communicating information
DOT Info:- Non-Regulated
Kit Includes:
- 10g Yeast Instant Dry
- 25g Dextrose R/G Anhydrous (D-Glucose)
- 7.5g Phosphate Buffer pH 7.0
- 5mL Potassium Ferricyanide, 1.0M
- 5mL Methylene Blue Chloride, 1% Aq
- 30 Bottles, 15mL
- 15 Bottle Caps
- 15 Connecting Wire, Red 12″ With Alligator Clips
- 15 Connecting Wire, Black 12″ With Alligator Clips
- 30 Carbon Electrodes
- 20 1/4″ X 4″ Strips, Filter Paper
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Free Shipping:
Not Applicable
Maximum Age:
12 years
Contains No Allergens