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Innovating Science A Safer Flame Test: Identification of Metal Lab Activity
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The flame test is an analytical technique often used for the identification of certain elements, primarily metal ions. The color of the flame is observed and the spectra of light emitted from the flame is viewed through a spectroscope. Traditionally, this test poses safety concerns for students in a laboratory setting. This kit minimizes these concerns by utilizing small candles that are easier to manage in a lab setting. There is no loss in the clarity of the emission spectra from the candles, making it easy for students to observe and deduce what element is causing the colored flame. This kit contains enough material for 6 groups. Teacher’s Manual and Student Study Guide copymasters are included.Kit Includes: 5 mL 10% Boric Acid in Methanol 500 g Sand 2 pkg Color Flame Candles 2 Alcohol Burners 15 Diffraction Slides 1 Spectroscope 24 Small Trays
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Grade Level:
Middle-High School
Contains No Allergens
Not Applicable