Go "Green" - Earth Friendly Canvas Tote for Groceries

Encourage environmental awareness in the classroom. With today's efforts to become an earth-conscious nation why not encourage this in our students as well? In this lesson participants will use an acrylic medium to design a reusable, washable canvas grocery tote. The Solucryl acrylic paint used in this lesson is also a "recyclable" product, because it is an acrylic that reconstitutes with water on your pallet so there is no waste!
- Students will study and learn about the effect of plastics in our landfills.
- Students will create their own patterns and design for fabric decoration on the canvas tote.
- Students will complete the designs using texture, overlap, blending and color mixing to create desired effects.
- Students will learn about new materials and processes using Solucryl paints.
Supplies Needed
Sax® Design Your Own Carry-All Tote, 14" x 16 447671
Solucryl Acrylic, 6-Color Set, Pints 410927
Solucryl Acrylic, 6-Color Set, Quarts 410930
SolucrylAcrylic Permanent Medium, Pint 410903
Solucryl Acrylic Permanent Medium, Quart 410904
Royal® Sable Brush Super Value Pack, Set of 120 409325
Things You May Also Need:
Drawing paper/pencils for design sketches
Paint brushes/water-pots/mixing trays
Scrap cardboard to insert in tote during painting
CONTENT Standard #1: Understanding and applying media, techniques and processes.
CONTENT Standard #6: Making connections between visual art and other disciplines.
Students research plastic's effect on landfills and environment.
Students design art-work for canvas tote on drawing paper (these could be environmentally-related designs or studies in landscape or pattern...)
When students are ready to paint, place cardboard inside tote for reinforcement.
Add Solucryl Permanent Medium to the Solucryl acrylic colors they are going to use at a 1:1 ratio and apply with a brush, being careful to keep the paint film thin. Keep brushes wet while working and clean up with water and soap.
Allow the paint to dry and the tote is ready for use. Always let the paint cure for at least 3-5 days before washing. When necessary, wash in cold water and tumble dry.