Shop All:Flagship Carpets
Flagship Carpets Counting To One Hundred And Twenty Carpet, 12 x 12 Feet, Square
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About This Item
Flagship Carpets Counting To One Hundred And Twenty Carpet provides a cheerful resource for adding, subtracting, rounding, multiplication and even division to make Math activities less daunting. Hopping to the answer helps them realize it was under their nose (or feet) all along! Treated with SCOTCHGARD-PROTECTOR for superior soil resistance and FORCE 5, a permanent anti-microbial agent to guard against odor, mildew and mold. All Flagship Carpets are CRI Green Label Plus Certified. Measures 12 feet x 12 feet, Square.
quickship 2 weeks
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non parcel
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Product Length:
12 ft
Maximum Age:
99 Years
Product Dimensions:
12 ft x 12 ft