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EISCO Visual Scientific Wave Demonstration Apparatus
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About This Item
This apparatus is designed to guide students through understanding standing waves, nodes, antinodes, period and frequency. tension. After working through this visual scientifics module students will be able to answer questions such as: How does the tension on the string affect the frequency of the standing wave? How does the length of the string affect the speed of the wave? How does the mass of the string affect the frequency of the standing wave? How does the tension on the string effect the speed of the standing wave? Also comes with a 10 plus page instruction booklet covering approximately 2 to 3 hours of class/lab time material. This kit includes components for the standing wave demonstrator experiment. Useful in helping students understand the physics of wavelengths, and explore wave interferences. Kit includes Wave Generator, mountable pulley and string. The base and back board are sold separately and are required/recommended for the included experiments. Other accessories are required, but not included, can be found in the lab manual. Base and Back sold separately.Features
Instructions are written to explicitly cover Next Generation Science Standards Concepts, and Common Core Standards. Every module includes comprehensive instructions to assist with lesson planning, student activities, and experimental procedures. All labs and extensions feature recommended video analysis setups and guides.Kit includes Wave Generator, mountable pulley and string. Other recommended/required not included and sold separately.
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Maximum Age:
12 years
Contains No Allergens