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Dremel DigiLab 3D45-EDU 3D Printer Kit

Item #: 2134965
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About This Item


The award-winning Dremel DigiLab 3D45 3D Printer plus 30 standard-aligned lesson plans. 20 Lessons (3rd – 12th grades) incorporate design thinking through a design challenge. Students gain experience with the entire 3D printing process: designing with Auto-desk software, 3D printing, testing and learning, and re-designing if needed to achieve the desired outcome and pass the lesson. 10 Lessons (6th – 12th grades) offer an easy to follow lesson with no need for 3D design software skills. These lessons are for first time users and can be implemented immediately. Also included is an online, self-paced training with 4PD credit hours. Through this training course you will get experience using software and hardware to design and print real objects using your Dremel 3D printer. Furthermore, the kit includes additional filament and supplies. Get more of the consumable materials you will need to keep your students printing and learning. Packed with 4 total spools of filament and 5 glue sticks, the EDU kit has at least twice the supplies versus the basic printer kit.


  • Includes everything you need to learn and begin the 3D printing process
  • Get more of the consumable materials you will need to keep your students printing and learning
  • Through this training course, you will get experience using software and hardware to design and print real objects using your Dremel 3D printer
  • 3D45 Printer
  • 4 Filament Spools
  • 2 Build Plates
  • 5 Glue Sticks
  • Professional Development Voucher
  • 30 Lesson Plans
Shipping Details
Shipping Type: parcel
Free Shipping: true
Product Weight: 57.1 lbs
Allergens: Contains No Allergens
SUOM Description: Each
Brand Name: Dremel
Description: 3D45 Printer Kit
Model Number: 3D45-EDU
Dremel DigiLab 3D45-EDU 3D Printer Kit