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ITW Sertun Rechargeable Sanitizer Indicator Towel, 150 Towels Per Carton
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ITW Sertun Rechargeable Sanitizer Indicator Towel is designed to be used with a quaternary ammonia sanitizer solution and are an excellent way to know when you are properly sanitizing any food service surface, such as tables, counters, food prep surfaces and more. They change from Yellow to Blue when proper quaternary ammonia levels are present in the sanitizing bucket and on the towel so you can have confidence you're sanitizing with just a quick glance. Knowing for sure that the quat sanitizer is working can reduce cross-contamination. With Color-Check technology, the towels turn Yellow when the sanitizer has fallen below optimal levels. Once the disposable towel has been has been saturated with the proper level of quaternary ammonia sanitizer, it changes color from Yellow to Blue. When the towel does not turn Blue in the solution, it's time to change the sanitizer solution.
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