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Shell Education Higher-Order Thinking Skills to Develop 21st Century Learners, Grades K to 12
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Teachers will gain a better understanding of higher-order thinking skills with concrete examples of what it looks like in each of the content areas.
About This Item
Use Higher-Order Thinking Skills to Develop 21st Century Learners to help develop students higher-order thinking skills (HOTS) with approaches that are practical and researched-based. Strategies are also presented for differentiating higher-order thinking skills and how to develop them in English language learners. Helps prepare educators to infuse rigorous content and applications of knowledge through higher-order thinking skills into instruction as required in the Common Core and other state standards.Features
- Helps to develop teachers' understanding of higher-order thinking skills
- Provides concrete examples of what higher-order thinking looks like
- Covers examples of higher-order thinking in each content areas and with all levels of learners
- Includes techniques for effective classroom management and assessment
Resource Includes the Following Techniques:
- Effective classroom management
- Assessment
- Information to aid in backwards planning
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Maximum Age:
18 Years
Maximum Grade Level:
Grade 12