Blended Drawing And Painting

Lesson Plan, Grades 3-12, Art, Sax


New watercolor pencils allow students to easily make the sometime difficult transition between drawing and painting. This blended drawing and painting project will be fun and bring enjoyment to students of all ages. Many subjects can be used, but natural forms such as flowers and plants lend themselves to exciting and colorful projects. Have students study natural forms that have repetitive shapes and patterns such as flowers. Develop design elements on watercolor paper using drawing techniques with the watercolor pencils. A variety of line thickness and colors for the design shapes of the flowers and leaves add to the visual expression.


  • Students will develop a design motif from nature.
  • Students will apply various drawing and painting techniques to their project.
  • Students will achieve a blending between the various drawing and painting techniques in their project.
  • Students will exhibit craftsmanship in their finished project.

Supplies Needed

Faber-Castell® Watercolor Pencils, 12-Color Set
Faber-Castell® Watercolor Pencils, 24-Color Set
Strathmore® Series 300 Watercolor Paper, 140-Lb., 12-Sheet Pads
Sax® True Flow® Optimum Golden Taklon Brush, #8 Round
Optional Materials:
Liquitex® Glossies™ Acrylic Enamels, 8-Color Set, 2-Oz. Jars



First design with pencil on paper. Older students can develop project directly on watercolor paper.


Establish outline design on watercolor paper with sharpened watercolor pencils. Sharpen often to keep crisp edges.


Use a variety of colors and shading techniques during the drawing phase of the project.


After basic design is established, fill in flower and leaf shapes, noting how light falls on each element.


Use a directional scribble technique to fill in background negative spaces. Use a variety of darker colors in these areas.


Use water and a watercolor brush to blend and soften background spaces first and then work into detail elements.


Redrawing in the blended areas can be done to reestablish lost details.


The center area of flower elements can be embellished with gold paint to add detail.