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Achieve It! Book Collection, Multicultural Perspectives, Grade 1, Set of 30
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Broaden the hearts, minds and worlds of students by introducing this collection of books focusing on multicultural perspectives. Students in Grade 1 will love learning about the lives and cultures of their peers around the world.
About This Item
Americans come from every corner, every faith, every culture, and it makes us better for it. We've collected popular myths, classic stories, historical fiction, and engaging nonfiction that open the world to students. Mix these titles into any library to add perspectives from all over the world.Features
- Set of 30, Grade 1, ISBN: 9781684320110
- Reading Level G to O
- Perfect addition to any first grade classroom library
- A Ramadan Moon
- Ancient Thunder
- Arrow To The Sun
- Bear and Turtle and the Great Lake Race
- Bippity Bop Barbershop
- Bodega Cat
- Clothing of the World
- Dear Juno
- Dim Sum for Everyone!
- Everyone Travels
- And 20 more titles ...
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Maximum Age:
7 Years
Maximum Grade Level:
Grade 1