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Achieve It! Guided Reading Class Pack Book Collection, Reading Level I, Grade 1, Set of 96
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It takes time to find the best books to help scaffold your student’s literacy. We have assembled our favorites in our Multi-Publisher Guided Reading Collections by Fountas & Pinnell. It includes single copies for one-on-one instructions.- Set of 96, Grade 1, ISBN: 9781642410761
- Reading Level I
You will find the following publishers in our collections: Rigby, Pioneer Valley, Red Rocket Readers, Newmark Learning, Creative Teaching Press, Kaeden Books, And more…!
- Books are written by publishers that teachers trust
- Publishers: Rigby, Pioneer Valley, Red Rocket Readers, Newmark Learning, Creative Teaching Press, Kaeden Books, and more!
- Bread Around The World
- Can Fish Fly?
- Community Cultures
- Firefighters
- Go, Gina!
- Hunting for Treasure
- Jake's Toad House
- Kate's Camp Friends
- Look Out!
- My Class Decides Together
- And 6 more titles ..
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Maximum Age:
8 Years
Maximum Grade Level:
Grade 1