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Achieve It! Choice & Voice Model Text Set, English, Grade 5, Set of 25
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Offer a diverse selection of genres so that every student can find an inspiring title to read.
About This Item
The Choice and Voice collections are curated to showcase new, exciting, and diverse books with interesting stories and impacting visuals. This series encourages students to have a voice and a choice in the books that they read. Inclusive of many genres and text-types, this library collection set is designed to entice students to learn more about themselves and the world they live in.Features
- Ideal for Grade 5
- ISBN: 9781642408164
- Reading Level L-Z
- A wide variety of genres to capture student attention
Includes One Each of the Following Titles:
- A Kick In The Head
- American Tall Tales
- America's Oddest Legends
- Animal-Inspired Robots
- Are Humans Damaging the Atmosphere?
- Celtic Myths and Legends
- Climate Change and Energy Technology
- Emma's Poem
- Extraordinary Buildings: The Science of How and Why They Were Built
- Freedom Summer
- And 15 more titles ...
extended shipping 4-8 weeks
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Maximum Age:
11 Years
Maximum Grade Level:
Grade 5